Wednesday, April 13, 2011

To my little sister(s):

I know you read this blog, because you knew about my fascination with Wills & Kate...which narrows it down to 3 people.  In no particular order, the front-runners are:  Adams, Albondigas (otherwise known as the Blonde Mexican Wannabe), and Fencer.  Hmmm...let the detective work begin! 

Also, I looooved the gift I got from you tonight.  There's nothing I love more than surprises, and when the surprises are gifts, it makes me extremely happy. I'm going to keep the copy of the William & Catherine memorial magazine for years to come :-)  And the cider was stellar, thanks so much.  FYI, I'll waive my 'no desserts' vow if you get me something desserty.  Not that you have to, but dearest little sister(s), I'll drink/eat/do anything you want me to.  Insert sexual connotation here. 

Beaucoup de/Mucho Amour/Amor

UPDATE: I have been reliably informed that I don't know what I'm talking about!  The identity of my little sister(s) is still very much a mystery :-)

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