Sunday, April 3, 2011

A brief explanation...


With graduation swiftly approaching, I wanted to reflect, and improve, upon my life.  I want this blog to keep me accountable and truthful.  Radical honestly.  I also want some dairy-free ice cream but the cafeteria is too far life is hard.

So, what else do I want?  To graduate with a baller thesis.  (which means that I'll have to work more on it hmmmm).  To lose weight.  Well, that's actually a lie.  I want to be strong.  I want my body to like me again, and I want to be amazed by what it can do (I signed up for kickboxing and an aerobics class, which both start this week).  To make sure my good college friends are my great life friends.  To listen to Adele as much as humanly possible.

I guess that part of doing well this term involves me posting this and getting on with my life, namely my presentation tomorrow!  It's on medieval France circa early 12th century.  It's actually pretty good. Socks will be blown off, etc.  Wish me luck!

Peace for now,


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