Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Important: please read


I have to make an important decision, and I'd like your advice (please vote in the anonymous survey to the right of this blog).

I need to get a haircut before this conference I'm going to.  Please vote on the appropriate choice for my face and skin tone. I'm sure you all appreciate the importance of this issue, and how it could negatively impact national security if undertaken without due consideration.

Peace for now,


  1. I was tempted to tell you to chop it off, just because it'd be interesting to see what it would look like short, but if it's a serious conference thing going too far off the norm might be not so good.

  2. you're the one that told me to dye it again, aren't you :-)

    but it's going to be summer! Should I really have dark hair in summer?

  3. Haha am I so predictable?

    Hm I didn't really think of the season when I said that. I don't know, I think it looks so good on you that it's good in any season. I suppose the alternative would be to get highlights?

  4. You shouldn't have dark hair during the summer. Perhaps some highlights? Switch it up?

    I do agree that the darker hair looked really hot on you.
