Saturday, April 23, 2011



Do you know how the quarantine started?  In Italy (or somewhere near what would eventually become the country of Italy in the 19th century), sailors were kept on their boats for forty days  - quarenti giorni - after docking in order to prevent the 14th century outbreak of the plague.

Unfortunately, it didn't work, and millions of people died.  Oh, the Black Death :-)  (Too soon?)

My situation is somewhat different, in that I am not infected with a lethal disease (hopefully), it is self-imposed rather than compulsory (phew), and I'm not in Italy (unfortunately), but my quarantine is nevertheless in full swing.  I've secured the furthest table from people at the university cafe, and have reserved a study room for me, myself, and I for later in the afternoon. So to all you uninfected people out there, you're welcome.

hacking cough for now,



  1. =( We appreciate it... It's good that someone has the self-control to separate us. I was considering going outside to join you, fun fact, but now I guess I won't, in honor of your efforts? lol. xD

  2. My chest feels congested just reading this.
