Wednesday, May 4, 2011

update: thesis and other random things


My thesis presentation is May 18, and the final deadline for the thesis is May 26.  And so, today, after much deliberation, I've come to the conclusion that I don't have enough time to get it done.  This is a sad fact, but a true one.  There just aren't enough hours in the day. Oh, well.  Who needs to graduate with honors anyways?

Also, side note, I hate the stacks.  I'm on basement floor A if you want to come chill, though :-)

with much love,



  1. Wait, are you serious? Do you really not have the time to finish? =( Can't you get the deadline extended a bit?!

  2. no, I'm not serious, but I wish I was :-( I'm just going to work my brains out until then and hope for the best.

