Monday, May 9, 2011

eek! Summer Planz


My father sent me my plane tickets today, meaning that my planz are finalized.  If you're near to any or all of these places, come find me so that we can chill before I skip across the pond and North America loses me foreverrrr...or at least until September :-)

June 12: Graduation with all of you!
June 13: homeless (for realz....can I stay with one of you?)
June 14-20: Chicago/Peoria/Chicago with the parental
June 20-25: Ottawa with Spam!
June 25-28: Montreal with the BFG
June 28: A plane with some strangers. 
June 29: London with Paulson

If I don't know you, please don't use this information to stalk me kthx. 


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