Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Good bye!


I'm going on a plane tomorrow, and since I have an irrational fear of flying even though, rationally, I should be more afraid of the bus that I'm taking to get to the plane - though that's why they call it an 'irrational' fear - I wanted to take the opportunity to say that you're all awesome, wonderful people.  I'm not being morbid (though if I die, that would be sort of weird), but I just want to have all my affairs in order.  I love you all: my littles were a surprise and a half; my friends made my birthday as good as it could be under the circumstances; Paulson, you're wonderful; I'll blog when I get back from Michigan!

Feel free to email me while I'm away...I don't know what my schedule will be, but I know that I'll miss you all tremendously.


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